Our experience

Skills and training Needs

  • PEIRA Recognition and Development of Vocational Education and Training Competencies - Fondazione Politecnico di Milano.
    Development of an appropriate model of RPL-Recognition of Prior Learning for VET trainers.
  • Eropassplus2 - Eurolavoro Legnano.
    Promotion of transparency and recognition of competences acquired in formal, non-formal and informal contexts through the use of the European CV. http://www.europassplus2.eu
  • APL-BUD: Towards a qualified construction workforce for Poland - Budowlani (PL):
    Transnational project for the transfer of good European practices of evaluation and accreditation for Polish workers in building manufactur.
  • VALIDO. Validare per l'occupabilità.
    Interreg project Italy - Switzerland 2007-2013 for the testing of a validation path for workers' skills.
  • STEP, Transcultural support and personal development, Cooperativa sociale Questa Generazione - Como:
    Project on intercultural education and support to the management of cross-cultural dynamics. Design of educational events.
    Network of insubrica expertise for the development of care services at home, Interreg project 2007-2013 with the Municipality of Novara.

Evaluation of projects

  • ECMO, Fbb (D):
    Joint use of the ECVET tools (Credit system for Vocational Education and Training) and the European mobility with the aim of obtaining proposals for amendments to the description of the acquired skills.
  • EUROPASS+ D/06/b/p/pp-146490.
    Creation of an online tool to provide a better visibility into the Europass CV skills acquired in non-formal and informal learning, with the aim of increasing the transparency of transnational curricula.
  • VQTS Transfer - RSO - Mailand:
    Testing of validation tools and credits recognition within the system of vocational education and training in the field of mechatronics.
  • Continuing Education for companies in the Province of Varese.
    Fondimpresa Avv. 1/2007 SPI - Varese: Activities of delegation in technical assistance for the analysis of the professional needs of businesses in the Province of Varese.
    Monitoring and evaluation of training projects funded in Lombardy through the alerts 2009/1-3 and 2001/1.
    ITALO 2013. Technical assistance and supervision in the activities of needs analysis, monitoring and evaluation in APRO (CN).

Pilot and innovation projects

  • CONNECT - Virtual communities and social learning - promoted by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano:
    Development of a learning model through the use of Web 2.0 tools (virtual communities, social networks, blogs, wikis) for selected target groups (women younger than 45 years old, unemployed or looking for alternative employment, people over 50 who needs to retrain to enter the labor market, immigrants).
  • LDV Partnership. Flexible training for workers at risk of exclusion - Provincia Autonoma di Trento:
    Exchange of experiences and identification of innovative actions for the design of training programs aimed at low-skilled adults at risk of exclusion.
  • COOPSUSSI - Comune di Como:
    Constitution of cross-border cooperation experiences aimed at creating stable employment opportunities, based on the principle of subsidiarity between state, regions, municipalities and individuals.
  • SPL INSUBRIA - Università dell'Insubria.
    Cooperation for the competitiveness of local production systems in the insubrica italian area.
    EC Lifelong Learning Programme Pilot Project. Design, implementation and testing of an integrated system for the accessibility, the adaptability and the validity of Professional Training Processes for employment, aimed at vulnerable social groups.
  • Q -CA.S.E., La qualità nei cantieri scuola europei - ESPE.
    Evaluation of the training conducted in the "school yards", which aims to make these experiences the main teaching tool for the exchange of European workers, in initial and continuing training in the construction industry, through actions aiming at the implementation and refinement in this context of common framework for quality assurance (CQAF - Common Quality Assurance Framework).
  • L'IMPRESA AL CENTRO Fondimpresa Avv. 1/2007 APRO - Alba Barolo (Cuneo):
    Technical assistance for the detection of requirements, the training of operators and the planning for SMEs in the province of Cuneo.
  • RESTART - Program of work culture, mobility and employment policies
    - Strategic project of the region Friuli Venezia Giulia. Design and implementation of an accompanying system in the phase of loss of jobs to face the employment crisis in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia.
    Developing Training Competence in IVET by Using Units of Learning Outcomes. European Partnership under FBB mandate (D).

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Siewerdtstrasse 8
CH - 8050 Zurich
41 43 444 40 70

Legal office of ECAP Consulenze

Via Masaccio 2/4
I - 22100 Como (CO)